신데이 - 하루의 가치를 아는 사람들끼리

by 퀀텀플래닛



The functions of Sceney are as follows.* Today -What happened today? - Record scenes to remember today, this moment - You can also share todays daily life with your friends.* Shinday - How would you describe today in one scene? - Select just one photo from Today to remember today - When one day is connected, my story is created.* Today Archives - All my daily life storage - All recorded scenes are stored without disappearing and can be retrieved at any time.* Storybook - Little stories inside me that I create alone or with friends. - Create various stories from your daily life by dividing them into individual stories. - You can build and create your own little stories with your friends.* Q&A -What do I think now? - Get to know yourself through new questions every day - Will we be able to give the same answers to the same questions even after time passes?* Today Time Machine - A random look back at a day in the past - You can go to any day recorded in Today and look back on the past. - What was my day like in the past that I had forgotten about?* Today Link - Connect your day with your friends today - If you link with a friend, it will feel like you are spending the day together even if you are not with your friend.